FEGex: Smart DeFi

FEG (Feed Every Gorilla)
2 min readSep 15, 2021


The future has arrived with the SmartDeFi Launch Pad!

IMAGINE launching or investing in a token that is rug proof and 100% asset backed!

Smart DeFi is a template for a new generation of DeFi projects, which makes it impossible to rug and unnecessary to use exchanges, such as Uniswap or PancakeSwap, for hosting liquidity. It allows all swap sites to fully integrate the trading of a token while using the token’s liquidity pool.

Anyone can deploy their own SmartDeFi token with FEGdeployer.

Since all SmartDeFi tokens are based on fWrap technology, their market price even rises when there is zero (0) volume. SmartDeFi “DeFi” the laws of physics! When any tokens are sold, the baseline value goes up instead of down. SmartDeFi also helps to eliminate pump-and-dump schemes. With the baseline value being transparent, buyers know what the risk ratios are even before trading.

Every SmartDeFi token is fully backed by its base asset, guaranteeing the tokens’ baseline value is secured from suffering loss. Base assets are what assets the tokens are traded against. A set percentage of every buy/sell is given to the asset-backing pool which is secured inside the SmartDeFi tokens’ smart contract. This results in a perpetual increase of the SmartDeFi tokens’ baseline value, resulting in the formation of a baseline value that can never decrease. (Seriously!)

A percentage of the volume from every SmartDeFi token will buy and burn FEG drastically increasing FEG’s burn rate. Stock up on FEG token now before the Smart DeFi deployer launches in the next couple of days!

FEG is truly defining how DeFi works bringing much needed trust to this space.

More info: FEGrox.com FEGtoken.com FEGex.com

Resources: FEGwhitepaper

Writer: WeezyRox From FEG Team

