FEG Update — June 21st

FEG (Feed Every Gorilla)
3 min readJun 21, 2022

🚨Migration has NOT begun, we are still a couple of months away!
🚨DO NOT fall for fake token Migrations apps, TG groups, websites, etc.
🚨When migration is ready ONLY an official link will be given.

❇️New Updates!❇️

✅The FEG Gitbook FAQ page is constantly being updated and still under construction, please use this link for up-to-date information:


✅We are working on a RoadMap for release to the community that will show expected time frames and goals, expect it within the week!

✅FEGtoken.com will be undergoing maintenance as we are updating the official site to reflect updates to the project.

✅The Team is currently running through professional creativity exercises and taking community input for Name and Logo changes prior to a vote. The Design Team is working on a number of Logo options and will be shared when further into the process!

✅Our amazing DEV team has been working on updates for FEGtrack, taking it back to the V1 roots! With buy/sell transactions and a live linear chart for the latest price action, this update will be available to the community in within 1 week!

❇️Previous & Still Relevant Updates❇️

✅You may use beta.FEGex.com to see the prices & charts of FEG which are currently being pulled from Uniswap (ETH) & PancakeSwap (BSC)

@FEGrox is working on a swap tool for the tracking tokens from staking rewards, more information will be released on this once completed (built and testing currently).

✅We will be Merging FEG & ROX into a new Hybrid token, currently we are exploring potential names and logos.

✅Regular trading of FEGtoken on Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Gate.io, & a number of other CEX’s is still live and will be until the time of Migration where the liquidity will be moved to back the new Hybrid token. Note that if you have provided liquidity on Uni or PCS that liquidity will still be traded against unless you remove it.

✅The SmartDeFi 2.0 Contract and Deployer are under development. @FEGrox has made a great deal of progress with the new security aspect of the contract. After development there will then be an estimated 4–6 week time frame for a 3rd party audit to be completed (audit company yet to be decided).

✅We will be keeping the community as up to date as possible, as usual. Please be patient as we are building and auditing. You may continue to trade FEG token while understanding that you will get the same percentage of ownership after the migration with less taxes per trade currently 🔥

✅A Migration Tool will be used when developed to swap your tokens to the new Hybrid version. It will account for the 2% tax of FEG so you WILL NOT LOSE 2% and a 1:1% ownership distribution will be given. There will be a small blockchain fee to transfer tokens in/out of the migrator. ROX token holders will be airdropped due to them being SD.

✅PRIOR TO THE MIGRATION and an announcement made to the community with a date and time.

✅If you are staked, please do not unstake just yet unless you’re attempting to sell, we will attempt to use the FSS tokens for the migrator and avoid the 2% unstake tax.

✅Moving forward there will be a reduction in total supply (not finalized yet but between 1B, 10B, & 100B), users will be given the same % of ownership that they currently hold.

